Overview of Work Examiner:

Work Examiner is a professional solution that will help one to perform a qualitative analysis of the worktime usage and helps in increasing the efficiency level of individuals.

Work Examiner helps in controlling the employer’s office hours. It is mainly designed for small and medium business houses.

Work Examiner is an employee monitoring software that helps business houses to track the work time hours of their employees and control them. It provides features such as website tracking, PC tracking, taking screenshots, keylogging, recording emails, etc.

The Work Examiner software works in the background of the employer’s computer and tracks the hours spent on websites, apps and gives details of the users.

It is installed so that no data is leaked and also improves the employee’s productivity level.

It helps the employees to remain more focused on their work and prevents them from spending too much time on social media sites.

It provides all the information of the users such as how much time the employee was surfing social media sites, which sites did he visit, for how much time the employee was active on the websites. The Work Examiner can also track the google searches done by the employees.


The Work Examiner is very easy to use. It helps in monitoring the employee’s activities during a day very quickly. The software blocks certain distracting sites which can hamper the productivity level of the employees. It has an instant monitoring facility. It helps the business to understand what their employees do in the office. It provides file download reports.


The Work Examiner software is only available for PC. So you can’t monitor it on mobile phones.

How to use the Work Examiner software?

At first, you need to make a profile on the official website. Then you have to sign in to the admin board. Next, you will have to download the software on your PC and then download it on the computer of your worker whom you want to track. You can now easily monitor and observe your employee’s activity.

During the global pandemic situation, all the business houses have opted for work-from-home facilities. So now the employees have to work from home. To maintain the same level of productivity as an offline workplace, this software is installed so that the business houses can monitor the activities of their employees and can take strict actions if any employee is misusing the work from the home facility which means if the employee is just pretending to work but in place of that the employee is just surfing on websites. This software seemed to be very helpful for the business houses.

You can rely on this software. The information is confidential and safe.


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