Cashback credit cards aren’t as simple as most people think. There isn’t a one-card fits all out there. Each individual needs to research and find the perfect card for them.
There are three main types of cashback credit cards. I’ll take a few minutes to explain each of them. Of course, you will still have a lot more research to do to find the specific card you need, but at least you may have an idea of what type you need.
Visit Roshi, Singapore’s new finance platform for more information on cashback credit cards.
Let’s take a look, shall we?
#1 – Flat-Rate Cashback Credit Cards
Flat-rate cashback credit cards are the basic kind. You get a small cashback percentage, usually between 1-2%. They tend to have very small if any annual fees and are very easy to use.
If you don’t spend a huge amount of money at any one store, you may want to go with a flat-rate card. You can use it anywhere and claim the cashback quite easily.
#2 – Specialty Cashback Credit Cards
Specialty cashback credit cards provide higher cashback rewards at specific locations. Some work well with certain grocery stores while others work with your card provider’s online shopping portal.
When you make purchases from the right kind of store, you can earn up to 6-7% cashback rewards. If you tend to spend a fair amount of your money in one place, a specialty card may be right for you.
#3 – Rotating Cashback Credit Cards
Rotating cashback credit cards are similar to specialty cards except that the shopping niche changes every half a year to a year. One year, the niche may be groceries whereas the next year may be gas.
These cards tend to have higher rewards and benefits which attract many consumers. Make sure you can keep up with the payments if you wish to use this card, however.
These are the three main types of cashback credit cards. Which one fits you best?
Find out also more on groceries credit cards on Roshi!
Happy shopping, everyone!