Hello everybody, it is 2021, and I’m sure you’re wondering, “How long should an ideal blog post length be in 2021?”. Well, the reason a lot of people ask this question is that they want to know the blog post length, which would get them ranking properly from their SERPs (search engine results page)
Different people always say it depends on this factor or that factor, but the truth is, it does, you know. These people are right.
For you to get the specific length of a blog post, these properly depend on your topical authority, your domain authority, and the industry you are in. It would help if you thought about the topics you are writing about and the relevance and the quality of your posts.
All things being equal, whenever you write long content, you get more meat for SEO search engines to create indexes. If you are fighting going up against authoritative websites, a weapon you’ll need to have in your arms would be creating in-depth content.
What is thorough content?
Thorough content means content that has 1500+ words. A lot of kings and queen bloggers have stated these facts.
What do the blogging experts advise about the best blog post length?
These experts have stated that if you want to have a blog that search engines like Google, Bing, and others would index adequately, then they should be between 1500-2000 words.
Details and Tips on what to include in your best Word Count
Remember, I just mentioned how the best blog post length should be about 1500-2000 words. But that’s not just it. You can’t just go and write any 1500-2000 words and expect to get ranked high on Google. It would help if you got essential keywords at hand so you can write using these keywords. Your keywords are available to supplement the main topic you’re writing about adequately. The ideal length ultimately depends on how easily comprehensive your blog post is.
You need to understand the search intent of your readers properly. You should make sure you write it well, and it’s simple to read. Make sure your content has high quality. It would help if you gave your blog post different attractive formats. It would help if you got the things that resonate with your readers. You could turn your content into in-depth guides. Offer necessary value. You should know what ranking is. It would help if you aimed to help. Make sure your blog content is creative. Your focus should be on no one but the reader. Think about the average amount of time an average reader spends on your blog. Don’t make your readers bored. Don’t repeat content. Engagingly tell your stories.
It would help if you thought about your audience/readers and your competition. You should take your title into account for the length of your blog post.
If you do all of these, your content, blog, and articles will rank high on search engines.
Since I still have some time, let me break down some of the things I explained above.
What do I mean by not repeating content
For example, you have talked about a particular thing in your article, you now go back again and talk about the same thing in the same way. You did not even change the words or rewrite or rephrase correctly to give your audience a new understanding. That would not help your blog, you know.
What do I mean by getting things that resonate with your audience
Just sit back, relax and think you’re a reader of your blog. Would you enjoy your blog? Would you enjoy what you’re writing? Would you like to read more from this Blogger? These are the things you should think about when you’re on the other side of the desk.
What do I mean by turning content into guides?
The fact is, everyone wants to be successful. Everyone has problems which they are trying to get rid of to become better people. Everyone needs to learn how to do a thing or two. This all depends on your niche or your industry. If you do not turn some of your content into in-depth guides, your readers will get bored and tired of reading your articles because, at some points, like it or not; they would think you’re just selfish and out for yourself. But if you try to train people to become better at what you do, you’ll find out that you’ll get a lot of love and more leads/readers.
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