As Washington Football Team owner Daniel Snyder focuses on moving the iconic franchise in a new direction, he is actively engaged in rebranding the team with a new name and identity. It’s also clear that Dan Snyder is committed to improving the team’s playing field performance. Toward that end, Snyder hired new head coach Ron Rivera in January 2020.


Jason Wright Takes the Washington Football Team’s Helm

Dan Snyder also recognized that the business side of the franchise needed some serious restructuring. On August 17, 2020, Snyder named Jason Wright as the team’s new president. Wright, who has been a Washington-area resident since 2013, will bring a notable perspective to his new position.


Historically speaking, Jason Wright is the first black man to be named a National Football League team president. Although that fact will likely get the most attention, Wright also possesses a wealth of qualifications, on and off the playing field. Former colleagues and coaches have lauded Wright’s sincerity, focus, and determination in his previous endeavors.


On the football side, Wright played in the National Football League for seven years. He contributed his talents to four franchises, the last of which was the Arizona Cardinals. Following the 2010 season, Wright retired from professional football to pursue his Master of Business Administration (MBA) at the University of Chicago.


After earning this notable degree, Jason Wright spent seven years as a partner in the McKinsey & Company consulting firm. He specialized in helping to rebuild companies that faced serious challenges. During his consulting firm tenure, Wright also co-authored several reports on economic exclusion and racial inequity as they impacted black Americans.


Daniel Snyder Welcomes Jason Wright’s Singular Perspective

Hiring Jason Wright as the Washington Football Team’s president was certainly not a spur-of-the-moment decision. In fact, Dan Snyder and his wife Tanya spent a total of 36 hours with Wright, moving far beyond pleasantries and delving deeply into all aspects of the job.


During those far-ranging conversations, both men openly discussed the highs (and lows) of their careers. According to Jason Wright, they both asked provocative questions, and an abiding thread of transparency ran through their exchanges. After their discussions, Wright was convinced that Dan Snyder was committed to making the changes required to turn the franchise around.


Ultimately, Wright accepted the challenge of reshaping the Washington Football Team’s identity and moving the franchise toward a promising future. Despite the team’s current issues, he regarded the job offer as an unparalleled opportunity, and gladly embraced it.


Following Jason Wright’s decision, Dan Snyder issued a hiring statement that expressed full confidence in Wright’s leadership abilities. Snyder stressed that the new president’s playing field experience, combined with his educational background and business transformation record, gave him an enviable skillset that would provide notable advantages to the franchise.


Dan Snyder also expressed optimism that Jason Wright’s leadership would be a catalyst that helped to turn the team’s performance around. Snyder was confident that the Washington Football Team would once again become a championship-level team.


The Washington Football Team Embraces New Leadership

While Jason Wright assumes command of the Washington Football Team’s business operations, he emphasizes the importance of working relationships built on trust. He also recognizes the value of transparency in showing not only the organization’s strengths but also the areas of needed improvement. When those issues are brought forward, Wright stresses that constructive resolution should always be the objective.


As Jason Wright looks to reshape the Washington Football Team’s culture, he seeks to gain input from stakeholders throughout the organization. During his first 100 days, he also wants to engage with players, fans, and the team’s sponsors. While welcoming suggestions on the team’s new name, Wright also wants honest opinions on the franchise’s challenges and suggestions for resolving the issues.


As Wright formulates his plan, and begins to develop his objectives, he emphasizes the importance of finding the right partners to help him achieve his challenging goal. Not surprisingly, he draws upon a football analogy, stressing that putting the right people on the field is key to executing the best plays for each scenario.


Looking ahead, Jason Wright emphasizes that the Washington Football Team’s new name and identity will help the franchise to relate to the public in a constructive new way. In turn, Wright expects that relationship to generate additional value for the franchise, currently valued at $3.4 billion by Forbes.


Wright knows that an improved balance sheet will likely please Dan Snyder and the Washington Football Team’s investors. At the same time, he’s keenly aware that the franchise’s long-term survival depends on a significant cultural shift.


Even with the challenges ahead, Jason Wright is confident about the outcome of his and others’ coordinated efforts. He eagerly embraces the opportunity to drive this longtime sports franchise toward a healthy, more profitable future.







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