
March 2020


Business cash flow financing for many firms in the SME sector involves the necessity to turn receivables into liquidity for the company, in effect we’re talking about ‘ invoice cash ‘, that is the sort of financing that clients here at 7 Park Avenue Financial are looking for – i.e. cash flow lending That term is synonymous with cash flow challenges that hit many firms all the time. How then does the use of an AR finance company assist in meeting that challenge?

Sooner, rather than later is the need for business owners who want cash flow to support their company requirements. In many cases certain industries demand a lot more cash for companies that participate in the sector. That might mean more focus on capital assets or even research into new products and services.

What happens though when you can’t get the credit financing you need from traditional banks / business-oriented credit unions, etc? That’s where an AR Finance company comes in.

Your ability to quickly and efficiently set up a receivable discounting facility allows you to immediately remove the problem of waiting 30, 60 or even 90 days for receipt of client funds for your goods and services.

To receive full funding for your receivables from a Canadian charted bank there is of course an extensive loan and business application, with a lot of emphasis spent on historical cash flow analysis, balance sheet analysis, income statement and operating ratios, etc! Invoice cash services eliminate 90-95% of that type of waiting and negotiation.

So why then does ‘ factoring ‘, the more technical name for invoice cash work and in fact showing more popularity every day when it comes to ‘ cash lending ‘ solutions. The answer is simple, an immediate flow of funds based on your sales revenues. That becomes most of the solution to what the pros call your ‘ working capital cycle ‘. That cycle, simply speaking, is the amount of time it takes a dollar to journey through your company and makes it back onto the balance sheet as cash.

When you finance through an invoice cashing – also called invoice discounting facility, you are not borrowing funds on a long term basis. Your balance sheet does not accumulate debt; you are simply liquidating current assets in a more efficient manner.

Is there one type of facility in the area of ‘ invoice cash ‘ that works better than others? We’re glad you asked! We constantly recommend Confidential Receivable Financing, it’s the ‘non-notification’ part of this solution, allowing you to bill and collect your own accounts, bank your own funds, and choose how much financing you need on an ongoing basis. It’s classic ‘ pay for what you use ‘ financing when you’re working with the right partner.

What Is A Cash Flow Loan? What Are My Firm’s Options Financing Cash Flow?

A/R Finance is not always the ‘ only ‘ way to fund cash flow needs. Other strategies might include:

Working capital short term loans

Sale-leaseback strategies

Inventory finance

Tax credit finance ( sr&ed refunds are financeable)

Mezzanine Financing – (Unsecured cash flow loans)

Longer term solutions of course involve scenarios such as new equity.