The global COVID pandemic has changed our idea of essential things. Things like toilet paper, sanitizers, and face shields have made it to the top of our daily essential needs now. Various companies are working towards producing and providing frontline workers and common people with all the important equipment needed to keep ourselves protected from the virus. Lately, the 3D printing community has proved to be a crucial part of this global crisis, by providing us with quality face shields for protection. Many people have found it to be more helpful than masks for varied reasons. But there are many people who are making their own face shields and trying to start a business of their own. Well, here are some of the reasons why home-made face shields are not ideal:
- No guidance used- Many manufacturers have repurposed their 3D printers to provide proper medical equipment like face shields for hospitals and frontline workers. Many are not even taking any profits in return. However, these face shields are made with the guidance of medical experts followed by rigorous testing and then produced in bulk. On the contrary, home-made shields are made with zero guidance and hence cannot be considered eligible/safe for use.
- Precautions and cleanliness- Manufacturers and companies producing these face shields have been in the industry for a long time. They have proper resources and materials to produce a well-tested visor made with precautionary measures and care. Most of the home-made face shields may not be made using necessary care. During this time of global crisis, where prevention is of utmost importance, it can be very risky to go for DIY face shields.
- Improper measurements and design- As said above, medical face shields require proper guidance while making. It needs to be designed in such a way that the measurements are accurate and suitable for all. Improper design and unplanned production of face shields can cause a lot of problems for those who will be using them. When you opt to use home-made or DIY face shields, chances of them being either too loose or too tight are high. Also, the materials used in their making may not be ideal for hospital use, etc.
In this regard, purchasing the right face shield has become easy since companies like Lezar 3D face shields sell their 3D printed face shields online for your personal use.
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