Regardless of the type of business you own and the industry you are in, fire safety must always, always be your main concern. The importance of keeping your staff, customers and clients protected from such a dangerous element has only increased over the years, and you have a duty to ensure your workplace has the appropriate measures in place.

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Achieving fire safety in your working environment largely comes down to common sense, and not just from the business owner. Yes, the responsibility starts with you, but your entire workforce should have the knowledge and tools to help prevent a fire. In the UK, there are approximately 16,000 non-residential fires reported each year, and a large proportion of these are found to take place at work.

It is fundamental that information about fire safety and the actions to take in the event of a fire are always easily accessible to everyone at your business. By ensuring you have the correct strategies in place, you can easily minimise the risk of a fire emergency.

Main causes of fire in the workplace

In the common workplace, there are 5 main fire hazards that must be noted and addressed. These include:

Electrical equipment – As we see a continuous rise in the use of technology, more opportunities for fire come alongside. Faulty equipment, overloaded sockets and broken wires and account for approximately 25% of fires in non-domestic buildings.

Cooking appliances – This danger is not reserved only for businesses that are restaurants and cafes! If your workforce regularly uses a microwave in the staffroom, it’s important to note that any food that has splattered can continue to cook, causing sparks inside your microwave.

Smoking – Although the 2007 legislation made it illegal to smoke in all public enclosed or substantially enclosed area and workplaces, smoking is another common cause of fire in the workplace with over a third of deaths in non-domestic buildings being attributed to smokers’ materials.

The best practices to have in place

Don’t bury your head in the sand – nothing is more important that the correct fire safety measures within the workplace. Seeing as most fires are preventable, it’s only right that you look into having professional and quality fire prevention and detection measures in place.

If you’re based in the North East of England and wondering ‘where are the best fire alarm installers near me?’, CDS Security & Fire are a fully trained and established Approved Gent 24 System Integrator; authorised to design, install, commission, service and maintain the Gent range of Fire Alarm and Detection Systems.

Fire alarm systems are one of the best investments your business can make to ensure it is protected from fire, so don’t delay today.


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