Asbestos is a dangerous material composed of silicate fibres that can lead to significant health risks when individuals get exposed for too long.

The Australian government banned asbestos on the 31st of December, 2003. This means any building built before 2004 may have asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). Old properties must undergo careful asbestos inspection and present updated registers to ensure safety.

But besides surveys, asbestos air testing is a critical step assessors perform on properties with ACMs. Why should you have the air inspected for asbestos? Keep reading to find out.

Risk Assessment

Asbestos causes severe health damage when inhaled. The small, friable fibres are typically needle-shaped and could get lodged in the lungs. This may result in lung cancer, asbestosis, and mesothelioma.

Air tests provide valuable information about the level of asbestos fibres in the air and the potential associated health risks. The data can help the assessor make informed management and abatement strategies decisions.

Maintain Compliance

Australian laws mandate all commercial and residential properties built prior to the 2003 ban to conduct regular surveys and testing to ensure safety from ACMs. Air testing is no exception, which is why you must perform it.

By conducting air tests on your property, you can remain compliant with asbestos regulations and show a commitment to environmental safety.

Control Measures Verification

It is easy to feel more confident once you’ve performed all the necessary steps to remove and monitor asbestos-containing materials in your property. But that does not mean it is guaranteed effective.

Air tests are conducted after an asbestos disturbance or removal project.The tests provide a report on whether the mitigation measures adequately control the release of fibres in the air and whether the area is safe for reoccupation.

Peace of Mind

Occupying an old building constructed before 2004 can be daunting, knowing there could be ACMs hidden in particular areas. Even after removal, fibres could still be left floating in the air, which is dangerous when inhaled.

Regular air testing assures property owners, workers, and occupants that safety measures are implemented well. You can worry less since you are confident proactive steps are performed to control and manage airborne asbestos risks.


Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late

Air testing and monitoring is the only method of telling whether your property is safe from airborne asbestos fibres. Prevention will always be better than looking for a cure, so have your building inspected now.

Take control of your air quality and keep asbestos out of any environment with the help of our expert team at Global Asbestos Audits. We provide a comprehensive register and actionable recommendations so you can breathe better. Schedule a test with us today.


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