Is it time to file an insurance claim? Don’t you have the time it takes to follow up on settlement? You can register the services of an authorized public adjuster to handle the claims process and work out a settlement for you. Since you have already incurred considerable loss, the last thing you would want is extra problems and so you should keep the following in mind while trying to hire an insurance adjuster.

  • Does the adjuster have a license for your state?

It is very important that you hire a licensed Insurance adjuster Canada service, and thus you should check the Individual Public Adjuster license of the person you wish to hire. Some public adjusters, instead of obtaining individual qualifications and credentials, get licensed by a firm or individual. You must hire an insurance adjuster with experience who is either local or attached to a well-known local company. The authorities should also give the adjuster a clean record.

  • Know if the adjuster will be handling your claim personally

You need to know if the person you have approached is the one who will be adjusting to the loss personally. You may be talking to a sales representative who usually passes on your claim to another person.

  • Know how well the adjuster knows the processes of claim adjustment and construction estimation

It is important to know an adjuster’s level of experience as a licensed Public Adjuster and the number of years she has practiced in your state.

  • Ask for some references of local clients who were happy with her services

You should ask for a list of clients that the public adjuster claims to have served successfully in the last three years.

  • Know the fees

A public adjuster’s fee is usually determined by the size and nature of your loss and your claim status. You should agree with the public adjuster on whether she will receive a percentage of the amount that the insurer has committed to pay you but is yet to pay. You may also want the adjuster to handle parts of your claim. You should negotiate this upfront.

National Fire Adjustment Co.
1100 S Service Rd #222,
Stoney Creek, ON L8E 0C5


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