More than once, when exchanging business cards at a small business event, some comments like these come out: “my nephew made the web for me”, “the intern runs the blog”, “a boy who likes to mess around on the Internet brings us the Facebook ”… I do not know if they say it on purpose to see your reaction or it is something that many have agreed. 

However, the truth is that you should not entrust your business communication to the boy on duty because he knows how to mess around on the Internet or is a fan of Facebook. Especially when it comes to wanting to increase your business visibility and sales. Just because you know how to use a typewriter, it doesn’t make you a writer. It’s the same with Facebook and the other social media platforms: just because you know how to use Facebook does not mean that you know how to communicate through it, know your competition, optimise your channels or target your potential customers.

If you are reading this article, it is probably because you are beginning to realise that it may be worth leaving your business communication to professionals in the sector who are in charge of getting your message across. For this, it is important to choose a Digital Marketing agency that adapts to your needs, your resources, and saves you time.

How can you choose the right digital marketing agency for your business?

  • Bespoke Approach

In marketing, there are no rules but one: marketing becomes really efficient when it is bespoke. Your business is unique, and so is your target audience. Rely on agencies that don’t use copy and paste strategy, but design a strategy based on your unique brand and ideal clients. 

  1. Testimonials 

Take a look at the agency’s testimonials and reviews. The more they have, the more is indicative of experience and reliability. Check what previous clients say about them and see if they really deliver what they promise. 

  1. Experience

One way to see the level of knowledge and professionalism that the agency has is by reading its corporate blog. Look at the number of posts they have and the quality of their content. From the blog, you should find useful and valuable content that gives you a little light to your needs. From the blog, it should be clear that they know what they are talking about and above all what they like.

  1. Reputation and Presence

To choose a Digital Marketing agency it is interesting to see the level of presence they have in the online platforms. They will be the ones managing your communication therefore they should be the first example of how their work is efficient. Check their website and social media pages. Do they look professional and engaging? Are they constant with their communication? Do they have a good number of followers on social media? The agency should be an example of the image it sells. Your website and your social media pages should be your best sales pitch.

  1. Equipment

Full-service agencies are the ones offering a complete digital marketing strategy, alongside having all the equipment to manage every single aspect the strategy involves. These kinds of agencies have the most complete tool availability, as well as a larger team of professionals specialised in any aspect your digital marketing strategy requires.

  1. Flexibility

Today, one of the factors that attracts the most attention is the payment facilities, financing, or the adaptability of the agency to the resources available to the client. This goes together with transparent pricing on the website. If an agency shows clear pricing with all the features included, you will be sure not to have surprising fees at the last minute.

How can you find a similar digital marketing agency London? 

Serendipity Marketing is a leading full-service digital marketing agency London, delivering services internationally in three languages: English, Italian, and Spanish.

Their unique methodology mixes marketing strategies with psychology science to uncover your target audience deep driving emotions and behavioural patterns, generating and running a more efficient digital marketing strategy specifically for your business.


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