Real estate agents are always looking for new and creative ways to draw in potential buyers. Scent marketing is just the latest tool in these industry experts’ arsenals, but it’s a powerful one. All agents looking for new real estate marketing ideas should consider adding olfactory marketing to their lists. Read on to find out why.

Increase Perceived Value

Prospective buyers or renters want to feel confident that they’ll be getting their money’s worth. Scent marketing can increase the perceived value of residential properties, especially high-end apartment complexes. It’s all a matter of psychology. Scents like white or green tea, lemongrass, and sandalwood have all been shown to heighten value perception.

Real estate agents must match the fragrance to the location and the season if they want this technique to work. If the property’s overall ambiance encourages residents to feel peaceful and calm, nature-based scents can be a good fit. However, seasonal fragrances like winter pine and cedar won’t be as effective during the summer as they are in the winter. In the summer, most experts recommend choosing light, fresh scents to increase perceived value.

Create a Memorable Experience

Most buyers or renters view multiple properties before deciding which one will best fit their needs. Olfactory memories are very strong, so even a subtle scent can not just evoke pleasant memories of the past, but also help to create new ones. Most real estate agents have yet to tap into the promise of scent marketing, which means those who jump on board with this growing trend now will have a distinct edge over the competition.

Make a Good First Impression

A building’s unique scent is one of the first things prospective buyers or renters will notice when they walk in the front door. Obviously, no one wants to live in a building that smells terrible, but don’t stop at removing unpleasant scents. Replace them with a fragrance that will waft through the air without overwhelming visitors to create a pleasant first impression.

Convince Viewers to Linger for Longer

There are a reason people are encouraged to stop and smell the roses. Some fragrances just beg to be appreciated, and interested parties who stick around to take in an enjoyable scent will also be in the house or apartment for long enough to hear real estate agents’ pitches and get answers to any questions they may have before they leave. Provided the apartment or house is in good shape and the answers to those questions are positive, convincing people to stick around for longer will help them envision what it would be like to live in the home.

Boost Everyone’s Mood

Selling residential real estate is hard work, and so is evaluating properties for sale. Why not take some of the stress out of the equation with aromatherapy? Scents like orange and lime are known to rejuvenate the mind and boost mood while relaxing fragrances like cinnamon can reduce buyers’ stress.

The Bottom Line

Scent marketing as an industry is still in its infancy. However, there are already plenty of qualified experts who can help real estate agents find the right fragrances and products. Get in touch with an industry expert to discuss what scents to buy and how to diffuse them to impress buyers and boost sales.




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