Cats love being left and moving around in the open rather than someone controlling them. Cats are excited about a cat carrier and being carried around in them. But with patience and determination, you can successfully get your feline in the carrier. This will need some tricks and a little practice. While handling aggressive cats, things get different as you are at risk. They can put you at risk. A simple visit to the vet may turn into a nightmare. So it is advised to have cat insurance in case of medical emergencies.  But some techniques can help, and some planning will make this process less stressful and more manageable. When you know the method of getting a furious cat into the carrier, you and your cat are safe.

The struggle can be real if your furry pet is aggressive and you persistently try to teach it how to get into a cat carrier. You can’t rule out scratches, bites, and other defensive tactics your kitty can use to fail your plan of getting it into the carrier.

In the meantime, your anxious kitty might hurt you or itself, raising the alarm for medical help. The most basic pet insurance can help with non-routine vet bills in such times and many more. Your furball can be covered for health care during accidental injuries, sickness, dental, and other medical emergencies with cat insurance, which is why you must consider purchasing a policy.

While contemplating buying a pet plan, read this article to learn how to trick your angry cat into safely getting into the cat carrier.

1.    Protect yourself

Get yourself a pair of heavy-duty gloves and wear them to shield your palms, hands, and forearms against cat claws and teeth. Use them whenever you want to handle your aggressive pet unless you want to deal with one or more potential cat-transmitted diseases. It is worth noting that feline scratches can quickly cause infections, and bites from non-vaccinated outdoor cats can put you at significant health risks. To make a long story short, take preliminary protective measures so your munchkin doesn’t threaten your well-being.

2.    Employ a cat trap

Consider purchasing a cage-like cat trap. All you need to do is leave a few of your kitty’s favorite treats or lip-smacking food on a dish strategically placed inside the animal trap. Leave this trap in an area your fur baby frequents during the day. Once your fur baby steps in, a trigger will close the door behind and contain your fur baby.

3.    Swaddle technique

One of the easiest ways to handle a cat is to wrap it in a towel gently. The towel wrap makes it hard for your furball to wiggle out to escape control. Carefully place your cat burrito inside the cat carrier and close the door. The towel allows you to contain your kitty a few moments without being fearful of it jumping on you immediately.

4. Secure the cat in a room.

Firstly, close all rooms of your house so that cat has fewer options to run around and escape. It’s advised to be calm so that the cat doesn’t know you are doing this for a reason. Try to isolate your cat in a room with less furniture as it’s easy to move if your feline is happy and calm but might get upset when you gradually monitor its medicine. Using this method on cats familiar to you and uninjured is advisable.

5.     Don’t scruff; train instead

Though some cat owners scruff their cats, it is best to avoid holding your cat by the scruff of their neck. You could be doing your furball more harm than good if you don’t have them correctly. Instead, you can condition your cat, so they get used to getting in and out of the carrier on its own with little stress and anxiety.

Use the food motivation-based training techniques to teach your munchkin that a carrier is another place to lounge. Even with ample training, some ninja cats revert to their aggressive state when the time to get out of the carrier arrives, especially in an unfamiliar zone. With an unpredictable cat, you should be prepared with pet health insurance to manage unforeseen vet bills effectively.

Cat insurance can give you financial assistance in distressing cat health scenarios, including emergencies. If you have a pet insurance already, consider reviewing your cat’s health coverage; otherwise, contemplate buying a suitable procedure to avoid surprising vet bills during unscheduled visits.


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