with unique operational and marketing challenges. Here are a few tips for cultivating and caring for your customer base during this difficult time such as communicating with customers online and sending business thank you cards in the mail.

Combine Online and Offline Methods

Social distancing is the only known way to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Business owners who heed expert recommendations have had to cancel events and temporarily shut down or switch to remote or hybrid day-to-day operations.

The first impulse of many marketing departments and small business owners back in the spring was to focus on online marketing. In reality, current conditions make certain offline marketing techniques, such as sending physical greeting cards, more effective.

Connect With Customers Online

In these unprecedented times, a business should maintain a consistent web presence. There are many other ways to build brand identity through content hosted on a business website or posted to social media:

  • Customer testimonials
  • Product images
  • Sponsored posts
  • Video content

In addition to posting content, a brand can make an effort to respond to more customer inquiries, reviews and other feedback. Customer relationship management software can be helpful for keeping up with the rapid pace of online marketing across many internet platforms. Engaging with customers on any platform where they are present is more crucial to success now than prior to the pandemic.

Many businesses have had good experiences gathering user-generated content by recommending the use of specific hashtags or by promotional giveaways. These types of content are preferred by social media users and can be highly effective for increasing demand.

Send Business Thank You Cards

A business should also maintain access to secure customer information. In addition to the name of a customer and other identifying details that can be helpful for targeting campaigns, maintaining current email and physical addresses is helpful for staying in touch.

It can be worthwhile to take the time to check the completeness and security of your customer database. A business may want to consider upgrading to a CRM platform that can automatically complete, correct and standardize records. Current contact information is necessary to keep in touch.

Mailing greeting cards can be an effective way to build and sustain customer loyalty. In addition to sending Christmas, holiday or seasonal greetings, a business can also check in throughout the year on the occasion of other holidays. Depending on the information available, it may also be possible to send birthday and other personalized greetings to customers.

Special Offers Drive Conversions

The pandemic has put financial stress on many consumers. Businesses that offer discounts or other special offers in online promotions or offline communication may see higher open rates and more sales as a response.

Consumer response to thoughtful and well-timed promotions during the COVID-19 pandemic may exceed the effectiveness of these tried-and-true promotional strategies under normal circumstances. Whether a business distributes a discount code or offers other benefits to customers, a promotion may help to stimulate sales.

Depending on the products or service a business offers, a contest or giveaway on social media might be effective for stimulating engagement and sales. In addition to creating a demand and a sense of urgency to make a purchase, it is also possible to plan promotions in advance to build consumer anticipation over time and allot time for a promotional campaign.

A business can use a combination of online methods and business thank you cards to touch base with prospective customers. The COVID-19 pandemic is likely to increase the amount of online customer engagement and subsequent spending during the 2020 holiday season and the near future.


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